Do you find that raising your daughters to be strong without allowing the toxicity of the world to intervene in this process somewhat challenging? By this I mean, that the world throughout history has not treated women equally or kindly.
I find this to be quite interesting, as throughout history there are actually quite a few very strong women that lead, wrote, invented, etc. I am also able to find many examples of this in reading the Bible.
Reading through the Bible, it did not once say that women were less than men. It says that both men and women have different rolls, but not that one was less then the other.
Have you every realized that the enemy of our souls loves to twist the beauty and uniqueness that God gave to each an every individual he created? Women were never less than or under man's rule.......the enemy of our souls would like us to believe that though. Women throughout scripture were give strong rolls as judges, prophetesses, leaders, women of means, etc. Women are special just the way God created them.
We are able to do something a man will never be able to do, carry and grow a child in our womb. That is an amazing gift we have been given and specifically designed for. And sadly, this gift is looked down on and criticized and we are made to believe the lie that this gift holds us back. Why? It is the gift of life! That is truly amazing!
We need to raise our daughters to cherish this gift they have been given and to know what an amazing unique person they are, just the way God created them. God created them with this amazing design and with a special purpose that He created only for them. We need to teach them to know they are worthy because Christ loves them. To see the value in who they are, who others are, and that God created everyone, Men and Women, with a special purpose.

I purchased this beautiful journal to do with my daughters. It is a beautiful devotional and it walks through each of the women of the Bible and the special purpose God had for their life. It is a wonderful devotional to do on your own timeline with your daughters to encourage them in their walk with the Lord and that they created for a purpose! Here is a link to purchase this amazing book for you to read during devotions to your family!
-Lysette Hill
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