Here we go again..... this was my feeling with the extreme emotions and deep feeling reactions my 2nd youngest went through daily.
I started to monitor when they happened and noticed she would sometimes get a red rash around her mouth as well.....I knew something was off.
This led to extra monitoring, documentation, etc....and realizing that she reacted every time we had a wheat heavy meal. So we started to eliminate a large portion of wheat/ gluten heavy meals from our diet. Her extreme emotional reactions began to calm and her rash would appear less.
We made a doctor appointment and he said the best thing to do was to change our diet.
Let me tell you, there is nothing like confirmation for what you were pretty sure was wrong and have been monitoring. Especially when as a mom, I know that I know my child the best.
Do you listen to your intuition? Your gut? Or as I like to call it in my case, mommy gut?
I have come to see this as one of God's gifts to us. The ability to sense when something is off, to feel the Holy Spirit leading us, to have the deep feeling that you know something is bothering your little ones and there is something that can help them you just have to search it out and pray to figure it out.....
I have done this on many occasions for my little ones. And there has been some fun and strange situations. But through it all, through observation, mommy gut, evidence based documentation, and throw a couple doctor visits in there too, God has lead me to many solutions for my family.
The process is not always the same and each solution has been different, but that amazing God given and God lead instinct, mommy gut, is an amazing tool that has helped me to resolve some interesting situations in my family.