That Time of Year......

That Time of Year......
We are just finishing the holidays and the time of year that is suppose to be jolly, full of joy, exciting, a season of giving, full of laughter and fun,..........

Does this not ring true of you right now?  Do people tell you to get into the spirit of the season, and you can't find it anywhere......Do you feel like you are on the outside looking in? Do you feel like you are lost, numb, sad, lonely, in the midst of the busiest and most decorated, song filled season of the year? 

It is easy for those who have been overwhelmed by life to get lost in the sea of everything that happens during the holidays, and completely over looked. 

Sometimes we don't realize that we have wounds that are related to traumas in our life and there are triggers that set us off. We are actually unaware and don't even realize that some of our reactions are in response to those traumas. Traumas come in many different forms, loss of loved ones, physical trauma, emotional trauma, something big that effected your life and you didn't realize it. Sometimes it is many of the same little things that add up to a big trauma.  

It is okay to not feel as joyful as everyone else. It is okay to need quiet time by yourself. It is okay to not enjoy every single one of the traditions of the season. It is okay to take time to process your emotions and feelings. It is okay to need a time out, if traumas in your life cause triggers during this time of the year........It is okay to feel.

This is more common than you think and despite what you are going through, you are not forgotten. I want you to know that God sees you and He is right there for you whenever you need him. This is what helps me to get through the hard times. Even when I don't know what to pray, He is there and He understands what I am going through. 

I pray that this holiday season and new year bring a freedom to feel and release all those things that you feel weighing you down in life. May the Lord Bless you and keep you, May the Lord Make is face to shine upon you, May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you His Peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)


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Loss & Sorrow

Loss & Sorrow

When in times of sorrow and loss, it can be easy to drift away. Drifting away can happen in so many different ways. Sometimes our emotions can become so raw that it is hard to face reality. (Forgive me as I change this phrase a bit.) It can be hard to face what happens, but we should never be fearful of facing Life. Remember, Life is precious and oh so fleeting. When we let ourselves drift away into the raw emotions and let them take over or even try to not face them so burying yourself into something else. They become poison to our body. We sometimes call them coping mechanisms, but the best coping mechanisms is not to bury the emotions or to lose yourself in something.

What can a coping mechanism look like? It can take on so many different forms. When burying emotions it can cause nose bleeds, headaches, chest pains, and sluggish liver. Eating can also be a coping mechanism whether it is lack of eating or eating too much of something. Getting lost in the emotions can cause feelings of giving up or feeling stuck and unable to move. Each of these and more are all negative ways of dealing with sorrow and loss.

I have gone through so much loss recently and my heart is aching. I know what I am supposed to do but my heart is crying out and not wanting to do what my mind is telling it to do. So how do you get through something like this?


One small step...


That is my goal to take one itty bitty step at a time. It doesn't have to be a huge step just one small movement in the right direction. Every time I feel the swelling of tears, say a quick prayer. "God, please." It doesn't have to be more than that. Instead of eating ten chocolate blueberries, eat eight (okay maybe I ate twenty and slowly backed it to eighteen. But who's counting?)


 Be gentle with yourself during this time. It is easy to start beating yourself up when going through sorrow and loss, and I don't want you to do that. Allow yourself to feel. Give yourself grace so you can continue to take those itty-bitty steps.

You are not alone.

-Yohanna Wendt

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Life Lesson From Food

I had noticed last night that a strawberry in the bottom of the carton was really molding, so I decided to use them for breakfast today.

As I opened the carton today to pull out all the other strawberries so they did not mold.... I was surprised that the mold had already spread to most of the bottom strawberries and a few on top. I had not been able to see that on the outside. 

I felt like I was looking at my heart and how life can throw us into situations and it is my choice to allow my hurt and woundedness to turn into negative emotions of anger, hate, bitterness, jealousy, selfishness, self pity, worthlessness, fear, hard heartedness, guilt, shame, etc. 

Once I allow those negative emotions take root, they do not just effect one part of my life..... but it grows and begins effect every area of my life.... even though it may not be visible initially, just like those strawberries. And if I don't remove that bad root it will infect every part of my life. 

It is like the scriptures that say.

"It's not what goes into your body that defiles you;  you are defiled by what comes from your heart." Mark 7:15

    "Above all else, guard your heart, 
    for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23

    "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up 
     in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil 
     stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." - Luke 6:45

If we have the heart of Christ our response to everything will be loving. Our challenge in life is to go through difficulties and storms and to still have the heart of Christ. So how we respond to our situations in life create the way we will respond to others. It is our choice to respond to life through negativity or love. To allow what grows inside our hearts to products life or death. And in that way we can decide to allow ourselves to be defiled from what comes out of our hearts or to allow the Holy Spirit to pour love and life out of our hearts because it is not ours, it is the Lord's to use. 

We have the choice to surrender our lives and allow God to heal all the hurts and wounds so that he can use us to be there for others and to bring His love and life wherever we go. 

See the strawberries I cleaned up? They have some parts removed because the bad had to be cut out so that the rest could be saved. Sometimes we feel broken and only part of what we were. But God cleanse us up and fills in all those broken parts so we are whole again and can testify to who He is and pour out his love to others.

Such a beautiful picture from strawberries! I didn't get my quiet devotion time today, so God used strawberries to talk to me. He is so faithful!


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A Prayer

Chaos.... So much Chaos....

In a world where everyone is so concerned about what others think and say. A world where everything seems to be out of control. A world where so much is being said on how the right way to speak, love, care and act. So much chaos comes from places of hurt and torment.

Are we meant to carry the weight of so much hurt? Are we meant to bear the onslaught of so much anger and hate? Are we meant to be lost and forgotten in the sea of hopelessness?

"How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
    How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

    and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
    How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
    Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
and my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"

    and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord's praise,

    for he has been good to me."

-Psalm 13

Our hearts have been heavy with how we have been seeing so many people treat each other so heartlessly. So much heaviness and sadness. We have been watching as so many place their fears and anger on those around them and we weep.

What are we to do? How do we heal?

While on our knees we stand with the renewing of our minds before our heavenly Father for only through Him is there hope and only through Him is life worth living. Only in His loving arms does everything of this world grow dim and what truly matters comes into focus.

Only in Christ are our faults, failings and hurts, forgiven, corrected, and healed.

-Yohanna Wendt

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